
ISO 9001 international standard quality certification and quality policy


ISO 50001 international standard energy certification and energy policy

  1. All employees participate in energy conservation and carbon reduction, and promote energy audit of the entire plant.
  2. Implement an energy management system to ensure that energy targets are achieved.
  3. Fully bear corporate social responsibilities, make information public and commit to energy conservation and carbon reduction.。
  4. Prioritize the purchase of energy-saving products and strictly abide by energy-related regulations.
  5. Regular energy management review to continuously improve energy performance.
  6. Optimize equipment operation and improve energy efficiency.

ISO 14001 international standard environmental certification and environmental policy

  • Protect the environment and prevent pollution
  • Comply with relevant government environmental regulations
  • Promote energy conservation, carbon reduction and waste reduction
  • Continuously improve the working environment and work processes to protect the environment

ISO22000 & HACCP international standard food safety & health certification and food safety & health policy

  • Compliant with food safety regulations
  • Work with hygiene and safety
  • Comply with product quality specifications
  • Pursue the ultimate color-printing technology

Safety and health management meets national requirements



To abide by laws, regulations and other requirements, heads of all departments attended safety and health education courses and obtained national certificates.



Regularly conduct labor safety and health education and training, and implement workers' participation and consultations.



Regularly check whether the labor complies with the company's requirements for safety and health. Set targets for continuous improvement.



Provide a commitment to safe and healthy working conditions, prevent injuries and harms to health, and meet health and safety conditions.